Tuesday 26 June 2012

Celeb Tuesday's at Mirror Bingo

I've missed out on Celeb Tuesday's at Mirror Bingo before and after hearing that I missed Russell Grant I thought I'd be prepared for the next one so I didn't miss it again! Mirror Bingo have chosen the winner of the first Big Brother Craig Phillips to join them at 7pm today. Craig Phillips found fame when he won the first ever series of Big Brother and went on to present his own DIY shows.

                                                       (Photo: Mirrorbingo.com)
Mirror Bingo will be giving away points and prizes in the 3am room from 7pm and one lucky player who enter's the room and says "hi" to Craig will win £50. However, the player will have to have funds in their account to be eligible to win the £50. If you're not yet registered with Mirror Bingo take a look at the Mirror Bingo Review at http://www.ballsupbingo.co.uk/bingo-reviews/mirror-bingo.asp

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