Friday 24 August 2012

FURRRRRRR REAL - Foxy Bingo Fake Tan

OMG! I read this news yesterday on Twitter and couldn't believe my eyes....and ears! Foxy Bingo are launching their very own fake tan and have called it Fur Real - absolutely hilarious! With some help from the gorgeous TOWIE star Lucy Meck Foxy has obviously decided to treat us all and launch a fake tan - but I couldn't help thinking I hope it doesn't come out like him! (even though some of my friends will say I have looked like I have been tangoed on many nights out!)

Here is the fake tan in question

Some people will say that this is a pretty weird promotion however its not unusual from this bingo site as a remember a few months ago when he teamed up with another TOWIE star Lauren Goodger to launch a Foxy Bingo perfume - and before you ask yes I did buy this when it came out!

Foxy Bingo have said you can win a bottle of Fur Real on the site but apparently you can also buy it from a beauty site. I am waiting to purchase mine however when I do fingers crossed it comes out ok and I get the must-have Essex glow rather than a Foxy glow!

Foxy and Lucy launching this new must-have beauty product -

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