Wednesday 28 November 2012

Powerball Jackpot Reaches $500 Million

After being an avid Bingo fan for quite a while now my attention can easily drift and that's exactly what the recent Powerball jackpot has done to me! Whilst tweeting away I noticed the US Powerball jackpot is up to a record breaking $500 million, a massive half a billion dollars! The highest the Euromillions has ever been is around £161 million so the Powerball jackpot certainly overshadows this.

Whenever I hear about the Powerball I always think about the Friends episode where they club together to buy Powerball tickets and Phoebe drops the tickets off the balcony because a pigeon flies into her!


However, all isn't lost for us UK players watching someone else win millions as UK players can play the Powerball online so I'm getting my tickets ready now in the hope I can scoop the MASSIVE half a billion jackpot! I wound't even know where to begin on what to buy with that amount of money.

If no one manages to win tonight's Powerball the jackpot could get even higher and potentially reach the billion dollar mark! I'll just have to remember to check the Powerball results in the morning as I highly doubt I'll be up at 4am when the results get drawn.

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